I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I believe that my angel
Skittle may have Adrenal. I've been told that course hair is a sign of
Adrenal. I also believe, don't quote me on this. I could be wrong. But
I believe my friend told me that fast growing nails could be a sign,
too. Skit's nails grow VERY quickly. I must cut them twice a week. At
LEAST once a week. Her vulva isn't swollen, yet. But I know that's what
happened with Kiti. [RIP Baby Girl. I love you and miss you.] 

Do any of you know if those two statements are true? [course hair, fast
growing nails] Thank you in advance.

Kelly aka FrediSTARR. And her angels; Brute Boy and Skitzo. AND her
bridge angel; Kiti Norko.

[Posted in FML 5749]