Farewells come hard these days---- 

It was May 15, 2002 when she graced my presence with her birth-- one of
2 kits born to Pride's Joy of Downunder. Two days lhater only one kit
remained. Later we would find that momma Joy hard a heart condition
which may indeed have contributed to the sole kits genetic oddities.

Wannabe beat the odds... she nursed and hung on until she could be
fed.. Momma knew there were issues with Wannabe and like any
responsible Momma, she tried to cover her up, lie on top of her etc.,
nut as a ferret Mom, I coaxed Joy into nurturing the little ferret kit.
We found that among other things Wannabe had a malformed ear-- an outer
ear, no inner ear on her right side, she also had a depression and odd
hair growth on the right flank over the kidney area, Later when she was
spayed we found her intestinal tract / bladder went places it should
not be-- evidence her body had some hermaphrodite tendencies. She also
inherited an enlarged heart form her momma and wheezed in her sleep and
was congested off and on from it.

Wannabe grew up a gal, with the face of a male... but, she grew up. Her
short stubby legs, obviously thick neck and rolling wobble when she
walked charmed everyone who met her. She was a pocket sized ferret
that chattered or grumbled each and every day. Her tiny tiny teeth had
trouble breaking kibble as her jaw did not open enough... but she loved
moms soup and Gerbers turkey baby food..

I would call her "needleteeth" when she would go through her teething
period and later as she would use them on the tops of my feet for
attention.... the nickname truly portrayed the stature of her build.

I will miss the teeny pocket sized gal who may indeed may have lived
on love. she was a great ambassador...

play well little one and say Hi to your mom & dad for me.

"Wannabe a ferret" 5-15-02 to 10-26-07

Momma Alicia

[Posted in FML 5773]