>...To the FML member who told Christina about Mocha, please help her
>take good care of him and please let me know how he is doing. I gave
>Christina my e-mail address and she promised she would write me. Tell
>her that I am waiting to hear from her. And tell her that if she ever
>has to give him up to let me know. I hope that that will never happen
>though. I hope that she will give him his forever home.

Hi Nancy,
I read your post, I am the person that called Kristina about Mocha.
Although she has never owned a ferret, she loves Mocha very much. That
night she brought him home, she brought him to my house first to clean
his cage with the hose and pick up a snuggle-hammy and fluffy towels.
His hammy was very "ferrety"! I gave him a bath, cleaned his ears and
clipped his nails. It was nice to see that his nails had been trimmed
and his ears weren't too dirty. I am a firm believer in the "no-bath"
theory; that good food, clean towels and hammocks are what keep the
cage/ferret from smelling so hopefully that will be his only bath this

Mocha comes over here every day while she is at work and I am trying
to get him to like treats...I am waiting for a response from a post a
couple days ago about how to get ferrets to like new foods! :)  He does
use the litterbox most of the time! That is great. Today, I am going
over to Kristina's house to help her ferret-proof then he will have
free roam at his own house when she is home and she doesn't have to
bring him over here for playtime...although I am sure she still will
(normally the ferret-proofing comes BEFORE the ferret, but everything
happened so fast!). She is feeding Marshall Diet and the little guy is
eating a whole bowl a day! I gave her attachable bowls to put in the
cage so he has food all of the time...I am not sure why he is under
weight, we will see in a week or so if he has gained weight. She has a
scheduled Vet appointment in a week for his rabies vaccination and I
informed her that adverse reactions do occur and what to look for.

I will tell Kristina to get a hold of you soon, Pam with Unit & Bernie.
(you can email me personally if you want)

[Posted in FML 5773]