Hi Everyone

We rescued a ferret named Todd. When picked her up, we found out was a
girl much to the surprise of her owner. She was adrenal, but had the
most BEAUTIFUL coat. Todd was a very small chocolate (1.3lbs ). Todd
had surgery last Tuesday, both adrenals were removed.

She took a turn for the worse that night. Out vet did everything
he could to get Todd to turn around but it wasn't meant to be. On
Thursday, we escorted her to the Rainbow bridge. She took with her
a huge chunk of our hearts.

Even though we didn't have her very long, the bond we developed with
her was very strong. Todd was a very special little girl and we miss
her greatly.

Please burn a welcome candle for her, now that she has joined her many
brothers and sisters at the Rainbow bridge.

We love you and miss you greatly Todd.

Mommy, Daddy & Aunt Debbie
Delilah, Strider, Otis, Jannie,
Max, Hagrid, Perkin & Dingus


Have you hugged your ferret today?

[Posted in FML 5747]