Dear Annonymous,

Meat is the natural diet-- HOWEVER not the sliced beef as you have
mentioned. It is important to point out the NATURAL diet of these
animals are mice , small rodents etc. Pet stores often have frozen
pinkies, or you can find a ferret form a ferretry which is accustomed
to eating mice and feed live mice. A fresh mouse is much more balanced
with the organ meats, skin etc than a packaged meat which likely has
been fed growth hormones, antibiotics and the like. while in our minds
meat is meat, truly the balanced nutrition is not found in a sliced
chicken, turkey or beef, however those would be compliments to a kibble
diet. Another alternative is to find a local meat market which carries
Smart chicken ( no added growth hormones, etc, and have them grind it
barf style or chop it into smaller portions for supplimental feedings -
you are still minus the organ meat which is highly nutritious for the

Just my 2 censt,

Alicia D.

[Posted in FML 5769]