Today was overcast and sprinkling as we traveled to see a good ferret
vet. A lot of days a like that here in Mississippi.

We saw Dr. L in Starkville and he confirmed that Lily indeed had a
large spleen. But he also felt that she really need a ultra sound and
blood work up to ‘see’ what was really going on inside. A man a several
years of experience he new he felt some things that were off. He
referred us the Veterinary college hospital there . The College was
nice enough to see us almost right away. Lily was a angle for this
long trip that involved strangers poking and prodding. Fizban rode
along incase we she had surgery and needed blood.

I kind of knew what the out come was going to be. I hoped, I prayed
maybe it was just a large spleen we could have removed. They said it
would be a couple hours. We left to eat for one, then returned. When
the Dr. and student in training came to the waiting room. I felt the
sadness that came with them.

Lily does have a large spleen . The spleen has a large mass in the
center. Several of her abdominal lymph nodes are very large. Both
adrenal glands are also very large. Lily has very bad cancer.

With her age and how progressed her disease is there is really no hope
that any surgery will save her.

We have brought her home for the week. It has been apparent to me that
she is not comfortable this last couple days. So really her quality of
life is short. Monday we will send her on the Dook Dook train across
the Rainbow Bridge. She will be greeted by many she shared her life
with. Lightning, Tubby, Bilbo, Winni, Zeus, Buffy.

When I walked to the car to get her soup before the trip home, a
strange sort of silence was around me. The sky had turned a very
mournful Grey. The air was still. No leaves blew. It seemed everything
in the Earth was crying for me. Please pray that this week will be as
easy and pain free as possible for Lily. She deserves so much better
and more than I can do now.

What more is there to say. We love her so much.

[Posted in FML 5769]