Hi Shron,

Regarding homeopathic supplements, as I mentioned before, it is best
to find a trained holistic vet here through the American Holistic
Veterinary Medical Association. Again, you can find all the holistic
vets in your state and also what modalities are practiced (which is
really, really very nice to know). http://www.ahvma.org/

If there isn't one close to you and you want to do some double checking
yourself, you can view my links here under the COMPLIMENTARY &
SUPPORTIVE THERAPIES on the bottom right:
I have about 30-50 _more_ to go through and add. T_T It's been on my
to do list for the past 2 months but since this has been coming up so
much recently, I may force myself to sit down and actually DO IT this
weekend. :P

Another resource is Natural Ferrets on Yahoo groups. It's not just
about natural diets, but alternative and supportive therapies.

regards, md

Ferret Research:  http://ferretknots.blogspot.com/
Ferret Resources: http://nippynihon.blogspot.com/

[Posted in FML 5767]