If the ferret's heart is too bad then Digoxin may work better but if
they want to start with Pimobendan then all she needs to do is to type
pimobendan into the box that is titled "Search Message Body for" and
leave the other boxes blank and she will get 29 messages such as

>For ferret's with dilated cardiomyopathy a few things are recommended.
>An ACE inhibitor such as benazepril or enalapril (Enacard), a diuretic
>like furosemide (lasix), and a medication to increase the strength of
>the heart contraction such as Vetmedin (pimobendan) or Digoxin. As far
>as doses for ferrets with benazepril a dose of 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg/kg
>every other day to once a day. For furosemide a dose of 1 to 4 mg/kg 2
>to 3 times a day. For Vetmedin a dose of 0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg 2 times a
>day. It sounds like your little guy is getting too much of the
>benazepril. Pawing at the mouth is common with stomach ulcers,
>insulinomas and any thing else that causes nausea.
>Hope that helps,
>Jerry Murray, DVM

>Pimobendan (Vetmedin) was just recently approved by the FDA (April 30,
>2007) down here in the US. The suggested dose for ferrets is 0.2 mg to
>0.3 mg per kilogram 2 times a day. A 4.2 pound ferret would be a 1.91
>kilogram ferret, so 0.38 mg to 0.57 mg 2 times a day. Up in Canada
>pimobendan comes in capsules. The smallest size is 1.25 mg. Down here
>it comes in a flavored tablet. It may be better to have a compounding
>pharmacy use the capsules to make a flavored liquid, so you can give
>the correct amount to your Mayhem. It is recommended to give this
>medication about 1 hour before feeding, but that is not too important.
>Hope that helps,
>Jerry Murray, DVM

>There are 2 medications that can be used to help strengthen the
>contraction of the heart muscles. Digoxin and Pimobendan are the 2
>choices. Both of these drugs should be used along with other cardiac
>drugs such as an ACE inhibitors and furosemide (Lasix). Digoxin has
>some safety concerns. Digoxin toxicity is a real problem that can
>cause real side effects. Monitoring of blood levels of digoxin is
>often recommended to avoid toxicity problems.
>Pimobendan on the other hand is much safer than digoxin. Side effects
>are uncommon but can include: increased drinking, increased urination
>(PU/PD), vomiting, diarrhea, and inappetence. Higher doses can induce
>sinus tachycardia (fast heart rate), and ventricular arrhythmias. In
>an article on Pimobendan use in more than 100 dogs (U of Georgia),
>found Pimobendan to be "virtually free of overt adverse effects in
>dogs..." One dog did develop mild diarrhea. Thus less than 1%
>developed mild diarrhea. That is a lot safer than digoxin!
>When Pimobendan becomes approved here in the US, it will be become
>the drug of choice to use with an ACE inhibitor and lasix for those
>moderate to severe dilated cardiomyopathy cases.
>Jerry Murray, DVM
>PS No, I do not work for the manufacturer (Boehringer Ingelheim),
>and No, I do not own stock in that company.

to find compounding pharmacies use the Files section at the FHL:

[Posted in FML 5764]