The only time any of my ferrets put themselves back in the cage at the
end of the day, was after Gracie Girlie got in my hall closet an hour
or so before bedtime and got locked in. I had always left this closet
door open for them but this particular nite my son had closed it. She
didn't have a tendency to sleep n this closet so when I looked for her
for bed that nite I couldn't find her. I let her go the nite figuring
she was hiding out, trying to avoid going in the cage. I had called and
called for her and even used her squeaker to get her out from hiding,
but to no avail. The next day I was a little worried and in my usual
morning initial clean up, i opened the door and who should come flying
out but little Gracie!! That nite when I was gathering her and Fearless
Shakespeare for bed, she ran, and I mean RAN for the cage. She jumped
in her warm hammie and wouldn't move. She made sure she got put away
safe in her hammie and cage that nite. No one was locking her in some
dumb closet again!!!! But, that was the only time it happened!

[Posted in FML 5763]