>From: Kathie Hicks <[log in to unmask]>
>Why would a ferret get diabetes all of a sudden? Lilly has never been
>on any kind of meds and hasn't had any surgeries. Please help.


Hi. I'm wondering the same thing. Our ferret, Squiggy, was diagnosed
as a diabetic a few weeks ago. I haven't been able to find a whole lot
of information on the subject. If anyone has some suggested reading, I
would really appreciate the information.

Squiggy was a rescue, so we don't have any background on him other than
he was starved by the people who had him before us, but he has been
with us now for two years. He is around 5 years old and has had no
surgeries. He is adrenal and gets a monthly Lupron shot.


[Posted in FML 5748]