Dear FMLers.

Ok I spent a couple of days in the hospital here in Reno. I had chest
pains and I waited until I thought they could be heart related (which
meant I waited for about three days...) then I decided that yeah maybe
they MIGHT be heart related and went to the ER. Now yes I did have a
rather high BP but after some meds it went down to "normal". After an
MRI and a very long doubled scan thing with radioactive isotopes and
stuff the docs came to the conclusion that my heart was doing OK. In
short my heart seems to be doing rather very good. Ok so no complaints
on that. I may still have something wrong with my heart as the scans
are about 85 to 95 percent effective but nothing major was seen. It may
be GURD or maybe I pulled something in my chest that only shows up
under heavy stress such as lifting. Ok so maybe that is what it is but
anyhoo, I have some meds to take to see what happens. I have to change
my diet a bit as well but I knew that was coming and I will have to say
goodbye to that very rare but enjoyable cigar and pipe, but hey if it
makes me live longer then I feel it is the thing to do.

My frets well, now they wanted Mamma to get rid of me and marry someone
with lots of money so he could spoil them in such a custom that they
could really get used to but hey they are stuck with me the lil

best to all
Fred Hurd
Reno Nevada.

[Posted in FML 5762]