my boyfriend has been complaining about the kids shedding and being
dusty and stuff, and actually been wheezing on occasion. he whined so
much that I finally decided to buy the air cleaner I have been thinking
of buying for the past 5 years, the Friedrich C-90B, recommended by
consumer reports. we ordered it from this company, which had one of
the best prices online.

just turning on the air cleaner periodically, my bf has stopped his
wheezing, the unit is pretty quiet AND ferret proofed, looks a lot nice
than the pictures I have seen, and we are quite happy with it. so if
anybody is looking for an air cleaner, this one seems to work as well
as CR says it does, and you can always check back with me in 6 months
and see if we still like it.

the 2nd recommendation I have is the company, good common sense, that
we bought it from. being canadians, we were very fussy about the
shipping company (UPS charges ridiculous brokerage fees when you accept
a package shipped from the states, and a lot of times the shipper does
not know about these fees, they are currently being sued). the company
was very accommodating in terms of trying to ship it via USPS, and when
that wasn't possible, promised to absorb any additional fees UPS
imposes (they have a deal with UPS so such fees are not supposed to be

not affiliated with the product or the company, just really happy with
the way we were treated.

Selina, Clef, Popcorn, Sorin, Mochi, Jolt & Cola

p.s. now's a good time for canadians to donate to s.o.s. and ohio
rescues, with the canadian dollar around parity with us. donating 100
us costed me about 103 canadian a few days ago, and 108 canadian 3
weeks ago.

p.p.s. ferret.

[Posted in FML 5761]