October 2007
Master Largo's News 
Possum Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

Possum Here: Holy Moley 460 of you humans went to look at our pictures!
That is so way cool. Now for some sad news. There was a Crazy weekend
so many shelter friends came to help mum and play with us. Mum helped
Miss Collette with her sick little girl. Mum did not win that battle
she crossed over to Rainbow Bridge. Miss Collette came back to get her
to take her to the vet to get her mercy shot

Suzie Q here: My Turn! Our Harry boy went to Rainbow Bridge. Miss
Stephanie came to get him to get him to our favorite doc. He couldn't
be fix Miss Mary helped him get his wings. Miss Cathy R. picked him up
and brought him home. Then Miss Cathy helped mum get all the garbage
out of the barn so we can use it for the yard sale in 2 weeks. Miss
Donna D came over to help mum in the shelter and out in the yard. We
had a birthday dinner too cause it was Miss Donna D. birthday on that

Possum Here: Me next for some news! Miss Mary B and Miss Joy came to
see us; they brought their new babies to play in the play yard. Miss
Rikki and Miss Madison came to help and play with us, they helped move
the very heavy tiles to the living room. Mum stood at the top of the
stairs and they brought them up to mom. One box weighs about 65 pounds
so mum and the girls took them out of the box and brought them up a
little at a time.

Suzie Q here: possum did you know mum hitted a deer with her bus?

Possum Here: Yes I did. Mm did not get hurt but the deer did. The
deer got broke and so did the bus.

Suzie Q here: Oh I thought mum only told me.

Possum Here: Nope mum tells ME everything. Miss Stacie came to visit;
she wanted to know who the 2 new kids were. When mum told her it was
the possum imposter, she said she did not believe there was an
imposter; that I was making it up. HUMP! I don't makes things up Miss
Stacie. On 9/22 people from all over including My far away mom Miss
Susann T. came to pick up stuff for all our cousins in Ohio.they are
called the D.M. kids Miss Cathy R., Miss Nicky, Miss Donna were all
here. Mum was going crazy trying to keep up with things. Mum had things
out and piled high for them to take to Ohio

Suzie Q here: Okay save me some news! Miss Cheri R. and Miss Sue from
a far away place camed here with 2 new kids that were found running
around outside. The 2 kids are ferrets that can have and make babies.
But they are NOT D.M. KIDS! We know cause they have the sign on them.
Miss Cheri runs a farm animal rescue so she called our mum to see if
mum could help her with these 2 kids. Mum said sure she could. They
don't have no names, but mum is calling the BIG BOY Pop Corn, because
he is all yellow and white so he looks like pop corn. Thanks Miss Cathy
R. for that idea. Pop Corn came in with a hurt leg, Miss Stephanie came
to get him to our favorite Doc. Doc gots him all fixed. His leg was
shattered so he has a pin in his bone with some kind of mesh holding it
all together till it gets better. Mr. Tom brought Pop corn home. The
little girl's name is Velcro cause when mum picks her up she sticks
like Velcro to mum.

October, 7, 2007

Mum found quite a surprise on this morning when she got Velcro up.
Little Velcro had babies. Mum got Velcro up, put her in a play room
when mum was cleaning Velcro's cage she felt her sleep sack was all
wet. When mum touched the bottom it felt like there was something in it
so mum stuck her hand in the sack and came out with a hand full of baby
ferrets. 7 of them then she found one more in another sack. Mum set
Velcro and her babies up in a nursery. Mum is sad after several days,
none of the kits survived. Mum removed Momma from her nursery; she is
dancing and dooking wanting mum to play. Mum says Velcro just wanted to
be a ferret NOT a momma. Mum says we don't know how long Velcro was out
and about without food and good care so the babies probably did not get
the nutrition they needed to thrive.

Possum Here: One Sunday Miss Kristie and some new people came to visit
to play with us. The new people held me a long long time, I was a good
girl and let them love on me. They wanted to adopt some of us. A call
came in while they were here, wanting mum to take 2 more kids so they
talked to the people and decided they would take them instead. 2 more
fur kids saved.

Suzie Q here: No way, that had to be the "Possum imposter" that they
held; you don't know how to be good, you do not stop moving. Oh oh
guess what mum saw when she was driving her big yellow thingy.

Mum saw a big, big black bear run across the road in front of her bus,
far away from the bus so mum did not hurt him. Mum was so excited when
she got home.

Possum Here: Now for the Yard sale weekend. Friday Sue K. brought lots
of veggies for mum. She worked in the barn cleaned up poopy papers,
while mum went to drive her big yellow thingy. Miss Kristie, Miss Cathy
D came in after work on Friday to help set up. Mum had made Chicken
Noodle soup so everyone ate dinner before we went back out to get more
done. Saturday Mr. Tom brought Pop Corn home from the hospital, brought
stuff for the sale, and got mums lawn tractor running again. Mum wanted
to use it to get stuff up to the barn but the battery was dead. Mr. Tom
got it all fixed up. Miss Kristie, Miss Nicky T, Miss Cathy R, Miss
Erin, Mr. Jeff, and Miss Donna D all showed up to help with the yard
sale. Miss Donna helped mum get caught up in the shelter, Miss Kristie
got mums computer all finished up with all the stuff off the dead
computer. Mum made veggie soup for everyone with the veggies Miss Sue K
brought her. It was yummmmy. Mum met Miss Nicky's mom and dad they like
ferrets so they came in to play with us. Beanie had the most fun with
them. On Sunday Miss Stephanie and Miss Donna D came to do the yard
sale. Mum made chili with the remainder of the veggies Miss Sue gave
us on Friday. Okay that is it for the news this month. Hey Suzie you
did not give me a hard time this month.

Suzie Q here: Hey Possum you did not whine and cry about stuff this

Possum Here: Oh so it is my fault you give me a hard time? What ever!

Possum senior reporter; Suzie Q always in my fur

Suzie Q here: Until next month....... Byeeee

Our Shopping Mall

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter

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