Hello FML -- HEre is a note I just sent to Melanee:

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Hello Melanee!

Thank you!

I got news yesterday that the tumor is not metastatic and is probably
benign, What a relief! I was hopping around the Records office at the
hospital in jubilation.

And the change in Philippe is for real. The next night he and Lucy were
sleeping together again -- this time with another ferret (named Jonas).
Lucy was sort of on top of Philippe. As I was looking at them, she woke
up and went to the littler box. As she left the bed, I wondered what
she would do after using the box. Well, she went right back and settled
down next to Philippe again! Since then I have not seen or heard heard
one commotion. It's been great to see them in the kitchen pen together
too. I find this utterly amazing. The night before he was to be taken
away, he reformed! And she switched right over to being trusting.

[Posted in FML 5759]