>From:     Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: I want to say a huge thank you

In response to Suki's post thanking many for their help with the Ohio
rescue, I just wanted to add one name that escaped her: Cindy Scheidt.
Cindy was there almost non stop from the beginning, and worked
tirelessly to help free those little guys. She has driven back and
forth over and over and over from her home to help Lori out. Thank
you, Cindy.

And while I'm at it, a big thank you to Tammy for her fantastic web
site. It had the most helpful information, more than any other site,
and it was clear from the top that it was not "the" official site,
because that was the first thing she said. Because of that web site,
I can get my new Kids quality vet care at a very affordable cost,
because she had that link of vets by state.

I am so glad I saw it before it was gone. Thank you.


[Posted in FML 5758]