>I'm surprised to read this, as you should know that relying on the
>quick-check test (which has been proven to be unreliable by several
>sources -- ask any ADV positive household) is in a way worse than not
>doing any sort of test at all. The particularities of this rescue
>provide all the more reason to do it the right way -- if we can't
>do it the right way now, when can we?

We use around 500 of those Quick Tests a year and over the last 4/5
years we have not had a single ferret that tested negative develop
Aleutian Disease in later life. Yes we have had false positives and yes
the test is not very good at picking up positive ferrets that are long
term carries but since 1990 the CIEP test has failed us nearly as badly
as the Q.T. I expect together between all members we re-home about 200
ferrets a year and with out that instant test we would be really

Most of the strange results come from people who do not seem to be able
to read and follow the instructions or think that a tip bit or taste of
Ferretone just before the test will not do any harm.


Mr Chris Lloyd
07092 027588

[Posted in FML 5756]