Our fearless Katy Carr arrived at 2:30 AM on Wednesday with 16 (17?) of
the Ohio ferrets. I had asked for 10 and suspect Rene's hand in this.
But then, Katy's a sucker so maybe not. (Perhaps they conspired?)

Five of the boys are being neutered today, 3 more next week. The girls
are on hold until we make sure that no one is pregnant. I'm hoping that
no one is with kit as I remember well the hourly rounds of feeding,
making sure they pooped, etc. Stacy took six of the girls, I kept one
that has bad teeth, and one went home with Sharon who is GaGa about
cinnamons. And then as I was cleaning out cages there appeared another
little white girl in the back corner of a cage. Hm. And where did she
get snuck in?

The boys are happily exploring the play yard. The girls seem to enjoy
screaming at each other and poofing. The house smells like a shelter
despite the fact that our middle name has always been "clean". They are
a joy and I wish that we could have taken more (but Not Now, Rene.).

Bobbi McC
KC Ferret Hotline and Shelter

[Posted in FML 5752]