I have a cage, it's up in the attic someplace. Instead of using that, I
have 13 Marshall Playpen panels hooked together to create a large play
space. It creates a living space that's just shy of 28 square feet.
It's in the family room so that they can see everyone coming and going
around them. Because it's easy to just reach in and grab one, they both
get ad hoc cuddles on a regular basis. That's where my ferrets "live."

They do get time out to play in various rooms, but for many reasons,
including a greyhound crate that they can easily slip into, I don't
leave them free roam. With such a large living space, I don't feel
guilty if my sometimes hectic schedule doesn't allow them "out" time on
some days. They seem quite content in thier space. I regularly rotate
different toys and such in and out to supply enrichment, which will
also be beneficial for any ferret.

This solution might be something to consider. It's a lot safer than a
free roam ferret, and my two ferrets seem to find it quite stimulating
and comfortable at the same time.

[Posted in FML 5751]