Life has some moments of pure pleasue, as my evening at Rocky's Ferret
Rescue reminded me last night. As some may know Rocky's did a transport
on some DMK kids this week, and I don't think I've ever encountered,
overall, a more sprited, playful and grateful bunch of fuzzkids. While
everybody else was busy cleaning cages, feeding and other fuzzy chores
(I'm a bit gimped up) I started cycling groups into the outdoor
recreation area. These kids played, dooked and danced in a display of
unadulterated joy. Running tubes for the first time. Rolling in the
balls. Digging in the damp grass and then dancing some more. (Connie,
wait untill you see the three live wire Jills that are headed your
way!) Ferrets are truly amazing creatures, enduring what humans do to
them and still finding it in their hearts to give us another chance.
These kids give kisses, and cuddle. These guys have every right to
have bad attitudes, but overall, they don't. We could learn much from
them.These guys are going to delight the forever homes they go to,
until they do, I'll be happy to volunteer for playpen duty. Truly
treasures, every one.


[Posted in FML 5751]