This is the latest message from Helen in her own words. She tried
to post to the FML herself, but it didn't work. Please feel free to
contact Helen and continue to wish her well. She really is a God Send
to more than just the ferrets.
Helen's email addy: ilovemy 13ferrets @ aol. com (remove spaces)

Hello everyone,

I know it has been a long time since I have wrote but I have been very
sick. I have been in and out of the hospital and the medicines I was on
made me feel so crappie. The doctors have taken me off all medicines
now and I seem to feel a little better. My legs are not good and I
still cannot go up stairs so I am on my lap top since I cannot get in
my computer room without help. Going to the doctors is tough. I have
steps I have to go down steps which I manage but getting back up it
takes my daughter and husband to get me up or Angel when Bob isn't
here but he tries to be here. I use a wheel chair to get around because
I can't walk much. My low back gives me a lot of problems and hurts
really bad if I stand to long. Next week I go for another bone marrow
and if all is well I will be going to Helmens Cancer Center for high
doses of Chemo and radiation and then the stem cell transplant. I don't
know how long I will be there. DR Spillvogal said he thinks 2 or 3
weeks. I am not going to like that. Well, that is the update on me.

As for the ferrets they are doing OK my daughter is doing a good job
on top of canning. I know it is hard on her and can't wait till I am
well enough to help her. I do have sad news though I think I told you
we lost our Polar Bear well not long ago we lost Little Ricky and 2
Sundays ago we lost our sweet Mandy who would have been 9 today. She
was the last of my originals that I adopted from the PFRA. My heart
is just broke and they will be missed.

That is about it my hands are shaking to much so I will say so long for
now and if I am up to it I will write again. I miss all of you and you
are all in my prayers.

God Bless You
Hugs, Love and Prayers
Helping Hands Ferret Rescue

He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep, pain that cannot
forget falls drop by drop upon the heart. And in our own despair, and
against our will, comes Wisdom by the awful Grace of God...Aeschylus

[Posted in FML 5747]