I have written to a person for some time who breeds ferts. This person
has expressed multiple concerns over the McKay Ferrets...Not those
there, but the hundreds taken from the farm.

The one that appears to need immediate attention .** Apparently they
need to be kept in the dark to keep them from going into heat. **.

This appears to be VERY important. The breeder appeared to be so
concerned about this. So please bring plenty of dark blankets and
sheets to place over the cages while they are being housed and
transported whenever possible.( I hope that this person was not pulling
my leg. My apologies if this was a joke. But I do not see why someone
would joke about this. There is nothing humorous about this situation.)

Perhaps sending dark old sheets, or old large dark towels, or beach
towels and blankets to place over the cages should be added to
necessary things to bring or deliver as soon as possible.

If I have been deceived about this...please let the group know.

[Posted in FML 5736]