Today is a beautiful day at de bridge. SaraFerret was waiting by her
usual post at de bridge, when she spotted a fuzzy crossing. When she
arrived de little fuzzy seemed somewhat puzzled by everything and said,
Hi, I am Maya and I belongs to Rachel. Where am I and who are you. I
was just curled up and fell asleep at home and then all of a sudden I
was on dis bridge. What happened?

I quickly introduced myself. I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter.
Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. What
happened was dat your earth time was done and it was your time to make
your bridge journey. Sometimes it happens dat you just falls asleep
with no real pain or anything and its just your time. Here you will
have lots of friends and run through green grass and have no litter
pans to worry with, lotsa food and water, did I mention fun and games.

Maya looked at me and said, but I want Mommy Rachel.

Never fear, Maya, I replys, One day in de long distant future, Rachel
will cross de bridge and you will see her and be reunited forever as
it has be promised to us in de story of de Rainbow Bridge.

With that, Maya perked up and noticed my wings. Oh that sounds great.
And Wings sounds great too. Wings to fly with. I can do lots of things
with wings, she said. Of course you can, I said.

And off we went down the garden path toward de Wing House. We opened
de door and on de counter was a big box (of course). Maya opened de
box and took out her wings--Bright pink with black stripes (just like
a butterfly--a fuzzyfly instead). I helped her with her wings and
adjusted her halo and she ran to de big vanity mirror. She looked at
her reflection and turned to me and said, Gee I wish Mommy could see
how beautiful I look with my wings and halo. Den I got an idea.

So off we went down de garden path toward de Misting Pond. We sat down
and I swished de cool clear water. Maya saw Mommy Rachel appear and she
started waving and dooking. Look at me Mommy. I gots bright pink wings
and I look like a fuzzyfly now. I feel great now and nothing you did
causes me to be here. I just went to sleep and wakes up here. My time
on earth was just over. She started throwing hugs and kisses and
wrapped dem with her love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star which
was headed toward your house. And with another swish de vision was

Den off we went toward de cottage where she was going to stay with some
new friends. We saw a Welcome to the Bridge Maya banner posted outside.
We went in and dere was music and wardancing fuzzies. High-fives all
around and her new cottage mates were welcoming her. She felt at home.
I couldn't stay as I had bridge duties to take care of, so I gave her
a hug and went on my way.

So ended another greeting at de Bridge.

Loveys and hugs,

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5746]