1. Take your husbands first place bowling trophies from over the
fireplace and his lucky shirt and put them on e-bay. Send proceeds
to the rescue.

2. Detach your husbands hands from your throat.

3. Volunteer for the next 3 months every other week at a local cat and
dog shelter for 3 or 4 hours on your day off. It will keep your mind
off of animals you cannot help, and help out a shelter. Usually they
will also need newspapers. Can you give any?

4. The holidays and shopping crowds are coming up. For those with no
money to donate..take a seasonal part time job...Maybe 4 hours a week.
Donate the money you make to the rescue. Department stores might be
the best place to look. What do you think? Any other places?

5. Lots of people will be carrying money around soon. Take pick
pocketing classes at the local Y. If you are caught in the act.....
we don't know you.

6. Cancel your Com cast for a month. (No No) Take the money you just
saved and donate it to the shelter. Only local TV for a month. It would
be hard with Meerkat Manor on now. May have to wait until the season is
over. The expenses of the rescue will be here for a long time.

6. Take a clear jar...maybe an old Marmalade jar. Look in the fridge.
Probably have had something growing alien life forms in there for 3
years or more buried behind all the ferret meds and their home made
soups.Kill the aliens. Put a nice label on the jar...For the Babies..
Almost 1000 ferrets with no homes...whatever really strikes you
hard about this . Every 2 weeks put a quarter in it. Make it mean
something. Say something out loud or to yourself as you place the money
in. " I am doing something to help. I am doing my best." Or.."This is
going to add up to one hour of pay for me. I am doing this because I
care."$6 in a year will be there. Believe me...there will still be a
need for that money in a year. And meanwhile, the stress of not being
able to help Right Now This Very Second will lift off your shoulders.

7. Light your candle every day. Do it alone or with your family. Make a
wish...So that all these animals do not now starve to death. That is my
wish. I am truly concerned about that.Or so that more trucks get there
soon to pick up the ferrets. Make that wish with all of your heart.
Then blow the candle out.

8. Lots of people still smoke. Naughty. Cut down to half of what you
normally smoke for one month. If you can, try doing it for another.
It will be good for your lungs and the lungs of others.

Take that money...which will be quite a bit...and donate it. Best to
set money aside in the jar each week and then super glue the top. Then
start on another jar. Lots of tension build up not getting all those
addicting chemicals your body craves.

Smash all those glass jars with shaking hands and a hammer to release
all that tension in a month or more, and gather the money while smoking
TWO cigs at once, so you are not tempted to cheat with this money. Have
a friend with a club at the ready. Hand him the mula so you cannot use
THAT money to get cigs in the future.. Have him write a check for a
donation for the amount in the jars if you do not trust yourself.

Sweat and curse in the dark.

9. Halloween is coming up. Tape a black sheet to your door. Place a
basket on a chair in front of door. Tape a notice over black sheet
over door. "This family has the Black Plague. Please leave donations
in basket" Take the money you saved not buying candy to rot children's
teeth out and the money kids leave you and donate.

10. Get exercise. Walk in parks around where the parents sit for
football and soft ball games. I walk with a friend. He casually scouts
the ground as he is walking, and picks up all the money that people
have dropped. Pennies, quarters, dimes. We go for a walk, and he comes
home with over a dollar. I kid you not. Take the family. You do not
have to look like beggars.( Although the fake blind kid begging scam
isn't bad.) Just walk slowly, and casually observe the ground. Donate
the money.

[Posted in FML 5744]