It is with a very sad heart that I had to lay to rest another fur kid
today, especially on the heels of loosing a little boy from Virginia
not long ago. Scootie (Scooter) was a silver mitt, with a black nose
and a white blaze, he was with out a doubt the sweetest little boy I
have ever had, he loved to lay in the crook of your arm and have you
rub his belly, loved his tone and loved to sleep next to me on the sofa
as I watched TV. Never caused any trouble at all, he loved people.

I heard the most terrible of sounds shortly after I got home yesterday,
the screams and the seizures were terrible, I called our club president
and she rushed over with Kayro, pred and soup but to no avail, I told
her I could not let this boy suffer and I needed to get him to the
emergency vet in order to cross the bridge in piece, this lady said
she would drive me across town to the ER because I did not need to
drive myself and the regular vets were closed, as we got into her car
I told her wait a minute and I told her that Scootie was gone.

At least I was holding him and he knew he was loved as he crossed over
the bridge to be with all his brothers and sisters.

He was named Scooter after I rescued him because his back legs went out
to the side as he walked, and yes he had a little pot belly. He was 6
1/2 years old and will be missed just like all the others.

He was loved by me and all those that ever met him. A nicer kid could
not be found

Run free my little boy, play and be happy, say hi to all those that
have gone before you and tell them that I love them and miss them too
and that I will be with you one day and we will never have to be sad


Deb Saunders of the Big Lick Ferret Shelter, I thank you for being
there when I needed you, ferret people are the greatest in the world.

[Posted in FML 5744]