>As a side note about the FAA I have not heard of a sucessful transport
>done by them in the last five years.

Hmmmmmmmmm. Either math is not my strong point or your statement is
incorrect. I adopted three ferrets from a Florida shelter that were
then transported to me in Nebraska, via the FAA, in June 2004.

Don't know who you are Harry, nor do I especially care. I'm not here
to fight with you or anybody else. And yes... I'm a member of FAA. But
I'm not speaking for the FAA, only for myself.

I'm not sure what the issue is with wanting to safely transport these
(DMK) ferrets. At the very least, I'd like to see these animals tested
for ADV and vaccinated for distemper. Obviously there is great need to
move these ferrets out to other shelters, nobody is disputing that. I
just don't see who it benefits if, in doing so without taking at least
some precautions, we end up spreading... who knows what... all about
the place.

Stepping up is not the issue. The issue for me personally is that,
above all, my responsibility lies with the ferrets that reside within
my home. They are first and foremost. It is up to me to ensure their
health & well-being. I am not willing to jeopardize the health of my
animals in order to participate in transporting the DMK ferrets until
there is a way to do so safely. It's just that simple.

And as a side note, I think we'd all be better served... certainly
the DMK ferrets would be better served... if less energy was put into
ferrety politics, nit-picking, personal vendettas, rumor mongering,
etc. & so forth... and more time and energy was spent trying to do
what's right by the ferrets. After all, it's about them, right?

Tammy & The War Weasels!

"But we in it shall be remember'd; we few, we happy few, we band of
For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother..."

[Posted in FML 5742]