Iknow I said I would have a last post - and I guess maybe I'll just
leave the FML forever.

I don't care what Lorie can't say about the rescues. All she HAS to
say is that "no money was exchanged". There. Perfect. If that was true,
then she could say it. That doesn't give up any information that can
affect a case.

Besides, what lawsuit? McKay's against MFRAN? Funny how no one really
clarifies. MFRAN was not involved with this rescue. If it was "to be
quiet about the info" because of the lawsuit, then why are we being
quiet? Why does it matter? The only way it matters is if it supports
McKay for some reason.

Speculation is needed, folks. There are way too many things that are
unanswered. I am not on anyone's side, I am just upset that so many
people don't give a crap about details anymore. Excuse me, since they
stated specifically the only reason they are not talking is because of
the lawsuit...what does that tell you? And when is this magical time
that we will all get information? And, of course, the kicker, something
no one talks about, is the amount of ferrets that were left. I guess it
doesn't matter to most people, since "most" of these animals were taken
out. And by most, that means there are one left with the granddaughter
or daughter and they are breeding them still. So when does the cycle

Again, most people just ignore that, and give blanket statements of
"let's do what we can now". Well, it sounds like plenty of people ARE
helping. That's not an issue. Don't confuse people wanting answers with
not donating or helping, because that isn't true. But, as it always
does, someone will respond to my post with a "just support her, it
doesn't matter about the details" post, as if I do not care about them
or won't help because I don't know anything.

The other bothersome thing is that nothign was said of this to anyone
on the lists before it happened. It was just "here, I did it, send
donations/help/money". Um....if this had been better planned, then
shelters could have had things set up already to take in fuzzies,
prepared, and not like it is now. There is nothing that would have
prevented this from happening since it already did, and supposedly
all this asking for help and adopting the ferrets out is not hurting
the "lawsuit"....


[Posted in FML 5742]