Early morning and SodaFerret was taking his usual morning stroll around
the Rainbow Bridge Village taking notice of all the beautiful
surroundings made just for the animals who await a reunion with their
favorite human.

SodaFerret felt the same familiar twitch in his whiskers and he knew,
another ferret had lost the brave fight they had fought, another heart
ached, a torrent of tears falling inside it, another loss but that
broken heart would hold fast to the Promise given by the Creator......
we will be together again someday. It is your time to go, I don't want
you to leave but you must. Please wait for me, I promise I will come
for you when it is my time.

Soda began to head in the direction of the entrance of the Rainbow
Bridge. He was sure the other Bridge Helpers had felt the same message
and would be there awaiting his arrival. Arriving at the Rainbow Bridge
entrance, Soda saw all his helpers assembled; they were there to help
him welcome the new comers.

The breeze began to shift and the sky took on new colors that seemed to
be carried on the wind. The colors danced and the little group watched
them change from one shade to another. As the breeze danced and the
colors swirled, fairy dust gently fell on those who were gathered there
to welcome the new arrivals. The group of ferrets all joined paws as
they closed their eyes and began to send all their strength to those
who were making their way through the stars. As they used their love to
help guide those who had left and were making their way to the Rainbow
Bridge. The little Bridge group also were sending their love and
prayers to the ones left behind who had cared for Lasey and Milo the
two dogs who were coming and also for JD, a deaf dark-eyed-white ferret
and another fuzzy named Mr. Piddles whose time had come.

Off in the distance the group heard the familiar clop-clop-clop made
from the sound of MoonBeam Molly as she was making her way half-way
across the Rainbow Bridge with those she had gathered to bring. The
beautiful white unicorn lowered herself down so her passenger could

The newcomers heard a deep clear voice fill the air with the
bittersweet refrain of the Ferret Promise Song. The melody of love
told the story of hope and promise and also of sorrow and loss all
tied together in the cycle of life. The song explained pain fading
away, of limbs being made strong again, and eyes once more bright and
seeing, it told of the sorrow of passing and the joy waiting in the
Promise. As Soda sang the sad sweet song, he had tears rolling down his
furry cheeks. The song he sang was also a song of love he was singing
to the human whose heart had been shattered by the passing of the
gentle creatures they loved so much.

The two dogs began to walk slowly across the time-worn timbers of the
Rainbow Bridge and when Soda and the rest of the Welcoming group took
a closer look, they saw each dog had a ferret riding on their backs.
Normally when dogs passed, they went to the dog section of the Rainbow
Bridge Village but more and more dogs and even cats were coming to the
Rainbow Bridge entrance for ferrets; having lived with ferrets, they
were overjoyed to be reunited with their tiny friends.

As the four stepped off the end of the Rainbow Bridge, both dogs
lowered theirselves carefully to the ground so JD and Mr. Piddles
could climb down.

"My name is Lasey" barked the first dog and "I be called Milo" the
other dog barked.

All of a sudden JD had a frightened look on his face as he immediately
covered his tiny ears with two velvety paws. "What be dat noise?" he
yelled at the group.

Putting a large paw on the little ferret's shoulder, SodaFerret smiled
warmly to the newcomer and explained to him that he could now hear,
that was just one of the many gifts from the Creator. SodaFerret went
on to explain to them once they arrived at the Rainbow Bridge all
animals were restored to health and a much younger age; blind eyes
could see once more, deaf ears were filled with new and exciting
sounds, animals who had been maimed in some way, they were restored
to perfect health, old arthritic limbs and joints were made young and
supple again.

SodaFerret went on to explain the many wonders of the Rainbow Bridge as
he also told them here they would wait until they were reunited with
those they had left behind on earth; the humans they loved most.

A noise coming from behind the bushes caught the attention of the
little group. Bursting forth was a beautiful cat who all knew simply
as "Harvey."

"Harveys" the little ferret shrieked and threw himself into the arms of
the cat. They had been such dear friends while on earth and Harvey was
overjoyed to see his old friend once again.

Such a sad occasion the passing of a little fuzzy was also a very
joyous occasion for a special friend wating at the Rainbow Bridge.

If you would like a greeting for your ferret, email your request to
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[Posted in FML 5721]