SaraFerret is checking out de Boss's Big Book of Ferrets when a delayed
posty falls out. OOPS! As you may or may not know bridge ferrets no
longer have access to computers (something about ordering pizzas and
you can imagines how dat prank went over) so messages has to be sent
telepathically to dere humans. And so...well anyway.

Today is a beautiful day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was waiting at de
bridge entrance as she had just received a note. And den she saw a
little fuzzy tiptoe across. She kept looking around and hesitating as
if she wasn't quite sure of herself and then with one giant leap she
made it.

Hi, she says to me, I is Tinkerbelle from Ms. Sandi's Heaven Scent
Rescue and I is a rescue fuzzy. What does rescue fuzzy mean? Who are
you anyway and where am I?

I just introduced myself to her, I am SaraFerret and I am de
bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever
home. Here you will have no pain or suffering ever. You will run and
play with de other fuzzies. Plenty of green grass to run in. Did I
mention fun and games? I was once a rescue ferret myself. What dat
means was dat someone took you in from a bad place and gave you lotsa
love and huggies.

Tinkerbelle seems to understand dat and nodded her head and says, Well
dose other peoples says dat I bites, but I didn't bites anyone. She
showed me her teeth and dey didn't look bitey. I told her dat I was a
biter though and I bit always even after I was rescued, but my Mommy
kept me anyway cause she loved me. Tinkerbelle said, Really! Wowsie, we
were really lucky dat someone loved us enough to take care of us anyway
even though someone called us biters.

Isn't dat de truth!, I replied. Den Tinkerbelle noticed my wings. Do I
get wings like dat, she asked? You sure do, I replied. And off we went
down de garden path toward Kit and Kaboodle where de wings were stored.
Once dere we opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of
course). She opened de box and took out de wings--Pink wings. I helped
her on with the wings and adjusted her halo. Then she ran to the vanity
mirror and gazed upon her reflection and turned to me and said, Gee I
wish Mommy could see me now. Den I got an idea.

So we went out de door and on down de garden path toward de misting
pond. We sat down by de water and Tinkerbelle swished it and she saw
Ms Sandi appear and she began to wave flutter her wings--Hey look at
me now, look at my wings, I am a ferretfly now, I am an angel now. She
began throwing hugs and kisses and wrapped them with her love and laid
them on a nearby shooting star which was headed to your house. And with
another swish de vision was gone.

We headed on down de garden path toward #4 Heaven Scent Cottage where
all de others lived and a Welcome to de Bridge Tinkerbelle party was
planned. We remembered most of all the everlasting promise of de
Rainbow Bridge dat all would be reunited one day and run forever
together again.

So ended another day at de bridge.

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5740]