Today finds SaraFerret checking thru de Boss's big book of Ferrets.
OOPS! Lotsa notes falls out--a long delayed posty falls out--As you are
all aware, ferrets at de Bridge are no longer allowed to have computers
(something about ordering pizzas and you can imagine how that prank
went over). So messages are sent telepathically to the human who must
post them. 

And so..... Today is a beautiful day at de bridge. SaraFerret was
basking in de warm sunshine all splayed out just relaxing when all of a
sudden a note dropped on her. SPLAT! Ok, Relaxation time over. She read
de note and sped off for the entrance. Just in time! He raced across de
bridge and nearly ran right over me. Fuzzy in a hurry. I picked myself
up and introduced myself, Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter.
Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge.

He says, Oops, didn't mean to runs over you. My name is Mick and I
belong to Mommy Julie. I was just kinda scared cause I was taken to
some kinda strange place and dey gives me some kinda shot because Mommy
says I was so sick and I has to go someplace and when I wakes up I was
just running. So what is dis place.

Well Mick, I says, dis is your new forever home, here you will have no
pain or suffering, no litter pans, lotsa food and water, endless places
to play, did I mention fun and games. Oh I notice dat you brings a
heavy backpack with you (unlike humans, fuzzies can take it with dem
on dere bridge journey).

Well Mick unzipped his backpack and opened it and took it out and
asked, do I have to give dem up? No of course not, I said, I am just
nosey, like any fuzzy, its been so long since I was dere, I just wanna
see what all de fuzzies bring on dere bridge journey.

He took out---- a pink Walt Disney World blanket and a tiny stuffed

I asks, How did you evers gets all dat stuff in dat backpack.

Well, Mick replys, It wasn't easy, but I did it.

We chatted a bit about a few things and den Mick notices my wings.

What are dose things on you?

Dose are wings.

WINGS? Hey, do I get dose.

You bet you do. So off we went down de garden path toward Kit and
Kaboodle where all de wings were stored. We opened de door and on de
counter was a big box (of course). Mick opened de box and took out de
wings--blue with black racing stripes. Perfect for a boy fuzzy. I
helped him on with his wings and adjusted his halo. (Bit tricky for
newcomers). He went over to de mirror and looked at his reflection and
all of a sudden he saw himself as he had been in days of his youth--a
fluffy fuzzy--no more sick--in fact he felt great. I had to warn him
not to try flying right away until he had a flying lesson. Sometimes
fuzzies end up topsy-turvy when dey try first time. He giggled at de
thought. We opened de door and we trotted down de garden path to de
misting pond. I swished de water and we saw Mommy Julie appear and Mick
began throwing hugs and kisses and den he wrapped dem with love and
laid dem on a nearby shooting star which was on its way to earth. He
made a promise dat one day he would visit his Mommy and she would know
by his musky scent or his scratchy whiskers on her cheeks dat he had
been dere. But most of all--dere was de everlasting promise of the
Rainbow Bridge--One day they would be reunited and would run forever

So ended another greeting at de bridge


[Posted in FML 5738]