Yes dis is another long delayed posty. But we has been sooo busy here.
Lotsa fuzzies crossing de bridge lately.

And so... SaraFerret was playing badminton with one of de kits when all
of a sudden a note dropped on her nose from above. (Well dat ended de
game). She read de note and quick like a fuzzy ran off to search for
Gizmo and Pendleton. She knocked on one door, dey were visiting at
another cottage, knocked at another door and finally found dem.
(Getting worn out just rounding dem up)! Hey guys, your sis is getting
ready to cross de bridge.

So off we went to de bridge entrance. Just in time! A partially-furred
chocolate was crossing de bridge with a heavy backpack (unlike humans,
fuzzies can take anything they can stuff into their backpack for their
bridge journey). Gizmo and Pendle hid behind one of de posts so dey
could surprise her.

When she got dere, she introduced herself, Hi, I am Bobbie, but my
Mommy calls me Bob--she says it suits me better. I has been very sick,
so Mommy took me to de doctor and when I wakes up I was here. Who are
you anyway.

I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no pain
or suffering, no litter pans, lots of green grass to run in, did I
mention fun and games.

Well Bob just looks at me, and says, the no more pain and suffering
sounds good to me. So den I asks her whats was in her heavy backpack.

She looks at me suspicious-like and says, Don't you have toys? I guess
if you don't have toys, I will share wit you. She carefully unzipped
her backpack and took out one large cloth ball and shook it with her
teeth and it jingled and den she took out a mysterious cloth bag and
said dis is for my best bud, Pendle who came here awhile back. Den
all of a sudden, Pendle jumped out and yelled "Surprise"! followed by

Oh what joy and leaps and bounds! Bob did not feel so alone now--she
was with friends. When all had settled down, she showed Pendle what she
had brought for him, a stash of "cantelope seeds." (His favorite treat
on earh). Pendle was thrilled to get something from home.

Of course Bob noticed dat everyone around her had wings and she wanted
dose also. What color? Decisions, decisions, decisions. So off we went
down de garden path toward Kit and Kaboodle where de wings were kept.
We opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of course). She
opened de box and took out de wings-- Cinnamon (new colors) Wowsie!
A little bit chocolate-a little bit red--really pretty. We helped
her on with her wings and she ran to de mirror and she looked at her
reflection and all of a sudden, no longer was she partially furred. She
was a fluffy chocolate once again as she was before she became so sick.
Oh I wish Mommy could see me now.

Den I had an idea. We went down de garden path toward de misting pond
and sat down by de cool clear water. I swish de water and all of a
sudden Bob and Gizmo and Pendle could see Mommy Sarah. Hey Mommy, Bob
cried out, See how pretty I look, wings and fluffy.

Mommy looked up as though she could hear or see something. Hmmm, wonder
if she could. Bob made a promise dat one day she would visit Mommy in
a dream perhaps and she would know by her musky smell or her scratchy
whiskers on her cheeks dat she had been dere. And with another swish
de vision was gone. Dey all knew dat one day Mommy and all de fuzzies
would be reunited and run and play together at de bridge.

And so ended another day at de bridge.

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5737]