I have been trying for the past few days to find the right words to
tell you about my Pie O Pah, and what I found is that while I have the
words, I can't seem to put them to paper (so to speak) because each
time I do and I reread what I wrote, I find that it fails to describe
just what this wonderful, furry fellow meant to me.

Seven years ago, my friend Mariel and me went into our local pet store
to simply "look" at the ferret baby's (yeahrightsure) and we saw these
two, tiny, little albinos. One boy, and one girl. We both reached in
and picked them up and the first thing this little boy did was kiss me.
Now I don't mean a nice little lick, but a full ferret facial - OH it
was love at first site and he came home with me, as did his sister go
home with Mariel.

We found out that Pie O' Pah was part Spiderman and part Flying Welenda
when he easily sailed over the 2 foot fence I had made for their room.
We made several more "attempts" (insert laughter here at our naivetĀŽ,
as well as several more trips to the Lowes) before we found out that at
34", he could no longer fly over it, but if he could find something in
which to launch himself from, he could still get over the ferret fence.
Hence forward he was known as "The Olympian Ferret". He was forever
surprising me, and not with just his prowlness, but with his sweetness
and those ever so wonderful kisses. I especially loved his coat at
winter time, because it always came in so thick and lush and so
magically soft.

He turned 7 on the 11th of September, a long life in ferret years, but
never enough time for me, well for any ferret parent that is. I knew
he was leaving, just knew it, because after 11 years you kind of know
these things. He had slowed down a great deal over the last month and
then he got to where he let me know that he didn't want to be force fed
anymore and so I did the best I could with the last week of his life. I
made him as comfy as possible, I spoiled him with his most favorite of
forbidden treats (red licorice) and I carried him everywhere I went.
The night before he passed away I brought him into our room and held
him close and I cried, because like I said, I just knew. I gently
rubbed behind his ears and under his chin and I talked to him. I told
him just how much I loved him, and how blessed I had been by having
him as part of my life. I told him that if he was ready to go, that he
could, that he didn't need to stay because of me. He, in return gave me
the very last kisses I would ever get from him and then went to sleep
in my arms. When it was time for everyone to go to bed, I put him in
his and try as I might, I just couldn't sleep. I kept going out into
their room, to see him, to touch him, to cry and to be there, because
I didn't want him to be alone. Finally, at 5 in the morning my body
forced me to sleep and when the alarm woke me at 5:30 I ran out there
and found he had gone.

And I cried.

I cried for a million different reasons, most of them selfish ones, but
I was at least at peace with how he passed - quietly, in his sleep and
after he had been given loads of love by myself, my husband and our
son. Nothing ever makes this better or easier but time, wonderful
Bridge Greeters and those devoted, compassionate ferret parents who
take time in their busy days to read of our looses and respond with
kind words of love and comfort.

So Pie, I give you a song, one I borrowed and changed so it will always
be yours... and just know my Pie-Pie, you will ALWAYS be my favorite

Fly, fly little Pie
Fly beyond the big blue sky
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of Summerland's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again

Fly, fly precious fuzzy one
Your endless Journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace all one word
But hold this memory bittersweet
Until we meet.

Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't ever forget

Fly, fly, Pie darling
Fly, where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light.

I love you and miss you more then words can ever say.


And then we were 9

[Posted in FML 5737]