Yesterday is a day I will never forget.

I have five ferrets in total, all adopted from a shelter. About two
years ago I had three and then added two more. For the past two years
I have been doing "shifts" because they did not get along.

I kept trying to put them together and gradually more and more got
along, but not everyone. It has been difficult. I have had to get up
early to accomodate their shifts and always felt bad when I knew they
were all awake and perky but I could not spend time with all five
together. By the time I could get to the other shift, they had decided
to go to sleep.

Yesterday, Sept 19, my dream has come true! All five now get along!
They are all currently wandering about the house as I type this.

I am one very happy ferret mom and so glad I never gave up trying.


[Posted in FML 5737]