In my opi I don't understand what the big fuss is about the sanctuary.

In my opinion, [which is not wanted often. Sorry!], people should be
HAPPY that these ferrets are actually cared for. There are PLENTY of
owners out there that don't care much for their ferrets, nor their
other pets. I don't understand why all of these ferret lovers are
complaining about the sanctuaries, better yet, Zoo's in particular.
People are saying these ferrets could be adopted out. Yes, they COULD.
But there's also a chance that if they're adopted out, they wouldn't
get the love and care they deserve. I'm sorry if some of you disagree.
Though I'm sure a lot of you don't. At least we know these ferrets
are loved and at least we know they get the medical attention they
need and everything else that so many ferret owners should put more
attention to.

Love, frediSTARR, Brute Boy and Skittle. [[:

[Posted in FML 5735]