We just visited a pet store the other day and they were adopting out
a ferret with special needs, as they could not sell him. He his five
months old, and two months ago he had an episode of throwiing up blood.
This was a one time thing, and none of the vets seemed to know what or
why this had happened, or the cause. One vet gave the ferret a shot of
vitamin K which seemed to help and recommended this if he has another

This ferret is very bright eyed, lots of energy, loves to play, and you
would never guess he had an episode of being sick.

I'm wondering if anyone would have any ideas or insight to a ferret
throwing up blood. He is at a pet store, and has always been there.
They are pretty sure he never got into anything when hey had let him
run around in the back. Could this have been an isolated incident ?
Could this be the start of something severe or very serious ?

We would really love to adopt him, as he is a sweet soul and deserves
a chance at life and to be loved. But, unfortunetly we are unable to
afford expensive vet bills.

Any advice or comments anyone might have would greatly be appreciated.

Michael and Greg

[Posted in FML 5720]