Ok, I have to tell my GOOD story about commitment.

About 5 years ago I got a strange phone call from a woman wanting to
adopt an abused/neglected ferret that no one else wanted. Pat explained
that she was retired and her and her husband had plenty of money to
care for another ferret in need. (She had 5 at this time.)

I did my normal interigation and asked many questions then Pat asked
if I had what she was looking for. I had explained that we recieved a
ferret due to a seizure by NJF&W from a horder. The ferret was male,
about 3 years old and had come from a horder situation. Buddy had urine
burns all over his body from living in filth. He wasn't exactly what
she was looking for but wanted to meet Buddy anyway. Pat and Anthony
showed up with their 5 furkids and it was love at first site for all
of them so they adopted Buddy, now known as Barney.

I got another phone call from Pat a week before Thanksgiving that
year and she requested the same type of ferret again, abused and/or
neglected. I told her about Allie, a female DEW who was deaf and had
brain damage and did circles. (Alie was a perminent resident as we felt
no one would want her with her dissabilities.) Pat wanted to come and
meet Allie and I told her the day after Thanksgiving (2002) would be
best. She called me 2 days before the holiday and could they come
Wensday, I gave in.

Again Pat & Anthony came with their crew. Barney looked great and I
couldn't have been happier. I put Allie in the playpen with their other
kids and it was like they lived their whole lives together.

While Allie was playing with Pat & Ant's kids, Pat reached into the
playroom and picked up Jordan, I warned her that he bites. Now you have
to understand that Jordan (He was just under a year old and had had 4
homes already.) WAS abused and NEGLECTED by his previuos owners and had
been sceduled to be put down untill I interviened. Jordan had been hand
shy and bit to the bone, (I was still working with him at that time.).
Pat had questioned me about Jordan and I told her his sad story. She
had explained that she wanted him but I told her we weren't sure if
we would be able to adopt him out because of his biting problem and
untrusting ways of humans. Jordan still needed to be tested with other
people and introduced to other ferrets. At this time I had had Jordan
for 6 months. Pat and Ant had explained that they were going to FLA for
the Christmas holiday and wanted to try Jordan out at their home when
they got back.

In January (2003) I got a call from Pat asking about Jordan and to see
if they could take him on a trial basis. I said OK and it would be for
2weeks. They came with al their ferrets in tow including Barney and
Allie and got Jordan to see how he would interact with their ferrets.
Jordan did ok, but realy just wanted to be held. Ant picked him up and
Jordan bit him. I was asked why he did this, my explination was that
Jordan wanted to see what he would do. Pat and Ant took Jordan home
with their herd and called me a week later to say that Jordan now
found his forever home.

Barney had known love like he never had and passed on due to a second
adrenal problem a couple of years ago. Allie had learned that her
dissabilities didn't matter that she was still loved and she past away
last summer at 8 years old.

Jordan passed away May of 2006 knowing that there were GOOD people in
this world that truely loved him. He tolerated the other kids but realy
loved his mommy & daddy & kitty. We all miss Jordan so much and have
all learned that these kids ALL deserve a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. chance at
life. We still hear from Pat and Anthony at least once a year and DO
consider them ANGELS. 

These type of people are too far and few inbetween but they are out
there, we as rescue, shelter and sactuary moms and dads just need to
know how to recognise them.


Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5731]