In case no one know, there is an ANGORA breeder in Oregon, M & P
Ferretry and she is also a ferret rescue. The owner's name is Chris
and her Angoras are GORGIOUS. She is a small scale ferretry and breeds
for Health & Longevity.

I e-mailed her with some basic information questions which she was all
to happy to answer for me via e-mail, very nice lady by the way. She
does give a written health warrenty on her kits and does make new
owners sign a contract. One thing I was impressed with is that she
doesn't condone descenting and kits are not to be altered till one
year of age to let them mature completely. After she recieves proof
of Altering she gives a $25 rebate.

You can check her site out and pictures of her ferrets by going to or go to and look Chris up in the
breeder section under Oregon breeders-M&P Ferretry.


[Posted in FML 5717]