I have a similar problem with one of my ferts. He is not adrenal,
but the vet brought to light some posibilites...

Does my fert have enough out time - time in a well lit area, daylight
that is, natural sunlight, as lack of it can cause endocrine problems,
and may be contributing to his hair loss. He has lost hair on belly,
but also down the middle of his back, like a skunk stripe.

The patterns of hair loss on my fert are symetrical, and adrenal hair
loss is not typically symetrical. One of my other ferts, and older
female, has been grooming him ALOT lately, and the vet stated that she
may be "Barbering" him (yes, as i in Barber in a barber shop - she may
be reponsible for 'cutting all his hair) - its a social thing between
ferts and other animals, but i dont know how common that is.

Do you use revolutions on your ferret? Approx 1 months after i applied
revoltuions to him earlier this summer, the spot where i applied the
pesticide - yes it is a pesticide - a very pink area appeared, and it
went nearly bald in that area. It however grew back after about a month
or so. I dont use revolutions on a regular basis, only when they are
having flea problems, and luckily have had none this year yet, although
a peak in the flea season is coming up in this area. I also applied it
before in the winter when his skin was oviously itchy, as revolution is
touted as a 'cure all' - mites, mange/skin issues, fleas etc. I will
use revoltion no more as a precaution. I will be seeking more natural
methods of flea and skin irritation control. It has been over 3 months
since i revolutioned him now, and the hair loss continues.

I dont know if that helps you any, and I am looking for suggestions as

Howard Dabrawsky II
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[Posted in FML 5728]