Hello Everyone,

I'm sending out this message to notify everyone that the AFA Shelter
Committee has a new director, me! Some of you may know me from the mass
emails and callings that I have done over the years to all of you to
update shelter listings on the AFA website or as a occasional poster
on your forum. I just really wanted to try to touch base with everyone
so that we can get some stuff going with the AFA Shelter Committee. We
really have some great plans so that the AFA Shelter Committee can
better serve everyone in the ferret adoption network and ferret lovers

Mostly I'm sending out emails all over the internet to get feedback
from you, our ferret community. It doesn't matter if you don't run a
shelter or if you have never fostered or adopted, each person's opinion
is vital.

The AFA Shelter Committee is looking for ideas. You don't have to post
them here, if you would like to send a private email that's great to,
just make sure to get your voice and ideas out there.

Here's some of the questions that we are really looking to receive
feedback on. Answer one, two or all of them, whatever strikes you. Also
if you have a complaint about the shelter committee send me emails on
that to. **Please no emails to complain about specific shelters**

"us/our" being The American Ferret Association Shelter Committee

Are you a volunteer, shelter director, adopter, foster home, or other?

Are you a member of the AFA? If so why or why not?

What programs would you like to see us offer?

Would you be interested in a Shelter Certification Program?

What do you feel is the biggest problem a shelter faces?

Do you feel the our shelter listing has been helpful for your shelter
and/or your ferret search?

Would you be interested in volunteering for our committee?

Of course anything else you can think of, these are just a few
questions to get your thoughts going. I would like to hear the
good, the bad and the ugly and will try to respond to each person
individually. Hope to hear from you.

Samantha Newcomb
AFA Shelter Committee Director
Shelter Director,The Frazzled Ferret Org.
As Well As,
USAF Reserves
Diligent College Student At LA Tech


Always Consider Adoption First

[Posted in FML 5727]