September 2007
Possum Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

Possum Here: Hey where did summer go? It is all over and now mum has to
go back to driving that big yellow thingy! I am sad. I like my mum at
home! Oh, Miss Cathy D came to see me; she played with me and loved on
me. She is feeling much much better! All because of me!!! Her heart
don't leak any more.

Hey Suz have you seen that imposter running around here at the shelter?

Suzie Q here: What imposter?

Possum Here: The one fur kid that looks like me, talks like me and
dances like me! The only difference between her and me is she is more
annoying, oh and she also bites mums ankles.

Suzie Q here: What makes you think anyone is going to believe that
there is a fur kid here, that looks like, talks like, and dances like
you that is MORE annoying than you? You are most annoying, all you do
is complain. There is NO imposter here. It is all in your make believe
fuzzy little brain.

Possum Here: No really I mean it; there is a new fur kid in here that
looks talks and acts just like me. She even had mum confused one
morning. HONEST! Miss Donna D. thinks so too.

Suzie Q here: I don't believe you! Let's get going with the news.

One Saturday Miss Donna D. helped mum do work that takes more than
mum's hands, she helped mum change cage bases; they was yucky! Miss
Donna D. also helped mum get some pictures for the Web site, cause it
is working again. Go check it out! YA!!!! Thanks Mr.
Harry for sending mum what she needed to get that working again. Thanks
Miss Kristie for helpen mum get the other computer going cause the old
one died.

Possum Here: MY TURN MOUTHY! New humans: Miss Collette, Mr. Bill and
their family came to visit. Their Meagan held me and loved on me a long
long time. She got Suzie Q up too. The Darrah family, Miss Collette and
Mr. Bill were here again to meet up with other humans that was looking
for a new home for their fur kids. Mum hooked both families up. The
humans that wanted new fur kids, to the family that wanted to give up
fur kids. They met in our driveway. The picture of the family that
took the 2 fur kids is here. Thanks for doing that for mum Mr. Harry.

Suzie Q here: Don't forget the yard sale pictures! Mr. Harry got them
up for mum too!

Possum Here: okay! Okay, I was getting to it! Geeezzz hold your tail
will ya? Here is the site if you want to see me in my gown; with the
entire wedding party. Remember Miss Donna S. made the entire party's

We had lots of campers here; Tolledo kids, Walker kids, Donahue kids,
and the Deutsch chick, she went home today.

Suzie Q here: Guess what, I has been at the shelter 1 yr as of Aug 17.
I was so unhappy in my old home; I was biting real hard anyone that
touched me. That family brought me here and mum taught me I did not
has to bite. She told me I could stay as long as I wanted, if I found
a family to love, I could go; but if I didn't I did not have to. Mum
lets me play and play, I have toys; clean cage, all the food I want.
I didn't have them things at my other home. Thanks Mum! I am glad you
took me in.

Miss Cathy R came one Sunday; she mopped floors while Miss Kristie
worked on mum's computer. New humans looking for fur kids came in from
Ithaca. Miss Lisa and Mr. Peter hung out with us, played with lots of
us. Then Mum had a family that needed to give up their ferrets so Lisa
and Peter took the 2 kids that mum did not have room for. Do you know
mum has had to turn 30 kids away this summer? That makes mum real sad.
Anyway mum got word this morning that Lisa and Peter still want to take
Milo and Taz so mum is going to make arrangement to get to their house
for a home visit so they can go there to live too. Mr. Ed is going to
take the 3 monsters that fell in love with him, Bootsie, Nola, and
Cinders. Where are you Mr. Ed?????

Miss Stacie stopped in to see us too. We have 2 notes from humans
that took kids from here. From; Miss Stephanie and Mr. Tom. They are
connected humans. Just know it is not true!!!! Mum does not repackage

Warning!! Brenda Johnson has been adopting spider monkeys re-packaged
as ferrets!! They will get into any and everything in your house. The
first time in over 10 YEARS, Sweet (not ) Pea opened our appliance
cupboard and trashed it in about 15 seconds. If there is something she
can't or won't climb. I haven't found it. Warning!! Spastic ferrets for
adoption! She also just pulled the garbage bag out of the closed lid
garbage can... I can't figure out how, but she did it. It has a step on
pedal, but she pulled it and the coffee filter and grounds out through
the top with the lid closed.

Lord help us.


That is it!!! She is coming back to the shelter this weekend!!!! You
can deal with her for a few weeks. LOL!!

In the 10yrs we have had ferrets and the 3 years we have been at this
apartment I have never, never, never had any ferret, even the ones I
baby sat for, get in to a cupboard!

We were sitting here and heard a noise and could not figure out where
it came from. Low and behold she is in the appliance cupboard. Steph

Possum Here: Hey everybody I want to say thanks for buying raffle
tickets from my far away mom, and Miss Lisa O. they both spoil me,
anyway they are the ones that run Friends of Ferret Shelters Raffle
Site. They are the ones that got lots of people to buy tickets to help
us get a roof that don't leak. Anyway I just wanted you all to know we
are so lucky to have so many of you help mum take such good care of us.
Thank you from the very bottom of our hearts and tummies.

Suzie Q here: You didn't tell about mum's eye Possum.

Possum Here: so who wants to know about mum's eye?

Suzie Q here: the people that care about her and us. Anyway mum got up
to go to work this summer and she thought there was something in her
eye, so when she looked in the mirror, she saw what looked like a tear
on the outside of the retina from top to bottom. It was 5 am so mum
could not get a doctor at that time so she went to work (she could
see okay). Then when she got back from her bus run she asked for the
afternoon off to go see the eye doctor. Miss Donna D. came in and took
mum so mum did not have to drive. Mum says she thinks Miss Donna wanted
the afternoon off from work. Hee hee! But mum said it was a wonderful
afternoon, she and Miss Donna had time to catch up, talk and just relax
for a bit while mum found out all that was wrong was a blood vessel
broke. The doctor said there was nothing that he could do to fix it,
that it would heal on its own. Miss Cathy D. said mum looked like she
belonged in a horror flick. Her eye did look pretty scary. It is all
better now!!!!

Possum Here: See what I mean? I ask a question and you just take off
with what ever and leave me out of the news. So Now I am going to tell
some. Miss Donna D. Miss Cathy R. and Miss Cathy D. all came to the
shelter the same day, so it was decided that the summer stuff out side
would get shut down and put away. It is done!! Wow that did not take
long at all with everyone out there at the same time doing it together.
Mum says that having such good friends to help her take care of things
is a true blessing. Thanks you guys you sure know how to help mum stay
caught up. Miss Nicky and Mr. Mike showed up to see us, say hi and get
some treats for their kids from the store. Thanks for saving Beanie
from Ebony Mr. Mike. Mum was silly and put Beanie in Ebony's cage and
Ebony was in there too. Good Save; Miss Nicky and Mr. Mike. Mr. Mike
picked up Tinker Stinker thinking it was Evita. Mum says no that is
Tinker! Mr. Mike sure put her down fast! LOL you are funny Mr. Mike.
Miss Collette and Mr. Bill brought one of the new fur kids' back to
mum, she was really really sick and they could not find a ferret vet in
their area to help them. All the ones they took her to said they did
not know what was wrong. Mum has been up with her every 2 hours to feed
her soup all through the night. Okay it is time to close the news and
get this out. Until next month;

Possum senior reporter; Suzie Q always in my fur

Suzie Q here: Until next monthÉÉ. Byeeee

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