
I e-mail Chris from M & P Ferretry about your question about her Angora

You can also e-mail Chris directly at

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This is what she told me. Chris said any genetic defects are eliminated
from her stock with no if ands or buts. She feeds only premium food to
her ferrets and they are introduced and handled by people ALL the time.
She said all of her breeding stock is chosen from a wide variety of
stock from ALL over the world where there parentage is checked for
Health & Temperment. She doesn't use New Zeland stock as it tends to
be agressive. She dosn't breed for DEW due to deafness and she leans
twards the dark sable as they have less problems with genetics and
health issues.

She stated that most of her ferrets live to 7 plus years old without
and health problems. Chris said she also feels that late altering
does contribute to giving them a better start in life and forbades
de-scenting. (A gal after my own heart.)

Chris stated that the truth is that there are a lot of retro viruses
out in the world that no one has total control of. ( This is very
true.) SHe explained that once a kit leaves her ferretry, she has no
control of how it is raised. (Nor does any other ferret breeder.) She
also stated that she stands behind her kits 100% the first year of
life. She said that the angoea kits are a bit more challanged as
their gene pool is very small and no records have been kept on their
ancestry. She also stated that in her hopes of getting unrelated
breeders, she has purchased breeding stock from various parts of the

Chris said if anyone else has other questions, feel free to e-mail.


[Posted in FML 5722]