My older guys, if given a choice, are not too exciting either. In order
to get them any exercise at all, I give them their soup at the other
end of the house from their favorite sleeping places, and move things
around a bit. At least then they have to 'explore' a bit (one is blind,
so he has even more exploring to do to find his tent). However, when I
take them outside, they go CRAZY! Sniffing, digging in dirt, leaves &
moss, checking out the dogs' water, the garden, under the trees,
&walking quickly, sometimes, actually running!! When they go to Rhode
Island with me, I have to wear a swim suit since the blind guy heads
straight for the lake to swim. Of course, they are all treated with
Advantage, so we don't have any tag-alongs when we go in. I have a
fenced yard so I don't have wandering dogs, cats, or other wildlfe
that pose a danger. I just have to keep a close eye on them.

Give it a try!! You will all enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

Katie & Kids in KC

[Posted in FML 5721]