I did like a few of you said, and I let them fight it out a little bit.
They fought for a minute or two all together. Then they just sort of
went their own separate ways. [: They were just venturing for a good 5
or 10 minutes. I figured it was a good start. I will do the same thing
later on or tomorrow.

Another thing, I placed an order for this hairball medicine today.
It's also supposed to help digest the unintentionally ingested items
that the ferrets get ahold of. It's 'Marshall Pet Prodcuts Ferret Lax
Hairball and Obstruction Remedy'. Does anyone else have this product?
If so, can you tell me if it's a good product to use? If it's not,
I'd like to be recommended something different.

Thanks to all of you.

frediSTARR and the fuzzbutts [[:

[Posted in FML 5716]