Hello, all. I am posting this on behalf of someone I work with. She has
given me permission to post her e-mail address, so please write to her
directly if you are interested.

This woman owns a 4-year old female ferret. The other day, she got out
of her cage (again), and the woman's dog cornered her. So, for her own
safety, she has decided to find her a new home. I asked her to let me
post here first, before she finds a shelter to send her to.

Her name is Lucy, and she's 4 years old, and has no apparant health
problems. She is probably not current on vaccines (She has had the
ferret just under a year, but does not know her previous vax history).
She will come with all of her accessories (hammock, water bottle, toys,
cage--though the cage isn't very sturdy, and she gets out easily just
by rattling the bars). She uses the litterbox, but will also push it
out of the way and poop behind it. I don't know if she's asking a
fee--she wasn't going to, but I suggested a small fee to keep away
the riff-raff :)

If anyone is interested, please e-mail her directly at
[log in to unmask]
She's near the Detroit area (we work in Sterling Heights).

Bright Blessings,
with Tanner, Tinker, Dervish, and Jasper
missing Cinnamon, Coke, Pixie, Chitterbox, Kodi-Bear, Yozum, and

[Posted in FML 5691]