John Rich had to say goodbye to Tyler, his oldest, most senior fert and
he requested that 'Ty' be greeted at the Rainbow Bridge.

Since Tyler had already crossed over, all I could do was to check in
on him and make sure he made the transition alright.


Ty is a handsome sable, comfortable with his good looks. When I caught
up with him he barely had enough of the raisins John had given him for
his journey left to share with me, but share he did. I thought that
was a nice thing to do.

My 'mission' with Tyler was to round up his 'family members' who
are already up here at The Rainbow Bridge and to show him the Pool
of Remembrance so he can check in on John from time to time.

I got to know Ty while we walked through the Rainbow Bridge Community
looking for his friends/family. He is actually very funny, he has a
wonderful sense of humor and isn't afraid to laugh at himself. He had
many stories to share about his time spent with his Earth family. He
misses everyone, especially John, his 'Dad', but he understands what
happened to him and he knows that one day there will be a terrific
reunion party!!

The first of Ty's family members that we located were Scooter and
Lukey. They were in the Community Center playing pingpong...well, they
were fighting about the game play more than they were playing the game.
When they turned and saw Ty...Oh My!! Their mouths just dropped open
and they stared in disbelief. Then they both bounded over and sniffed
Ty up and down, giving kisses and clucking madly. Ty was so happy to
see them. Lukey asked about everyone Ty had left behind , he wanted to
know everything, but the questions were coming out of him so fast that
Tyler couldn't get a word in edgewise. Finally, I interrupted Lukey and
said, "Why don't we show Ty around this great can all talk
later on, after supper." The three of them thought that was a great
idea. Then I said "Does anyone happen to know where Misty is? Or Pooky
and Jocko? Jason or Bear? It would be wonderful if we could find them,
you could all have supper together!" Scooter shrugged his shoulders and
mumbled " I think Misty is living with a bunch of ferts over by The
Meadows...maybe." Lukey chimed in and said "Well! I know that Jason,
Jocko, Bear and Pooky all live down in The Village!! Are we going there
now? Can we? Huh? Can we?" He was so excited...How could I say 'No!'
to that? I smiled down at Lukey and then I turned to Ty and said, "Ty?
Would you like to go down to The Village and find these ferts?" As soon
as I said it I knew it was a silly question to ask, of course he wants
to find them. The three of them were nodding their heads 'yes' in
unison. "Alrighty then...let's go!"

Lukey & Scooter hit the path running and were soon almost out of sight.
Ty took his time and walked with me, admiring the flora and fauna. He
turned to me and said "John told me all about this place. And he was
right, It IS beautiful. And suddenly I feel no pain, I'm not tired and
worn out like I was before. I feel great! I'm just so happy to be here
with my old friends and am excited about making some new friends...I
feel so refreshed! Does every ferret who crosses over feel like this
Pete?" he asked.

"When a ferret crosses the Rainbow Bridge all their illness and pain
is gone. A blind fert will be able to see, a deaf fert will be able
to hear. A sick ferret is no longer ill and everyone feels that sense
of renewal, because they are healthy again and able to have a new
beginning." I explained. "It is miraculous, don't you think?" I asked
him. He replied "It sure is a miracle Pete."

Looking down the path we could see Scooter and Lukey up ahead. They
were busily 'dancing and dooking' with a small group of ferts. I said
to Ty, "Look up there TY! I think they found your family!" We quickened
the pace of our stroll and soon were caught up with the group. Ty
looked at me and said "This is Misty and Bear and Pooky and Jocko and
Jason." He pointed to each ferret as he said their names. "I don't know
these three ferts, but they sure look happy to see all of us." Lukey
chimed in and said "This is Bandito, and Skipper and Maggie. Say Hi
to Musty Pete and Tyler guys!" he commanded. Everyone said hello by
sniffing and chortling and dancing around one another.

I looked at Tyler and he had such a big grin on his face. He was just
so happy to be reunited with his family. He turned to me and asked a
question, "Pete? If I can go to The Pool of Remembrance and see John,
can he see me too?"

I shook my head 'No' and said "Sadly it doesn't work that way Ty. But
visiting the Pool has a very uplifting effect on any fert who chooses
to go there and see what their Earth families are doing. Would you like
to go there now?" I asked. "You can see John and know that he is okay."
Tyler smiled and said, "I think I'd like to hang out with this bunch
for a while.Have some supper and visit... Is that okay? Maybe we can go
to The Pool of Remembrance tomorrow? Would you be able to take me there
and show me how it works?" he asked me.

"Most definitely. How about after lunch tomorrow? I asked. Ty smiled at
me and said "That would be great Pete. Are you going to stay for the
cookout these ferts are throwing together?" he asked. "No. I think I
should let you visit and tell them all some stories of home and I will
head home myself. But I will see you tomorrow." I extended one large
paw towards Ty and he shook it with his paw. I noticed his paws were
almost as big as mine. "I'll see you tomorrow. Have a great night Musty
Pete, and thanks for finding my family for me. You don't know how much
this means to me." I smiled and said, "Yes I do, I have been doing
reunions for a very long time. I know how wonderful it feels to be
reunited with loved ones. Okay then Tyler, I will come back tomorrow."

I said goodbye to everyone else. They were all so happy, it was
contagious. I whistled a happy tune all the way home.

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