::Kuri::: Did you hear that Princess Pepper is retiring from SOS stuff?

::Dodge:: Yeah, but me ain't a tellin her!

::Kuri:: Y not? U da big boy in da house! You should tell her

::Dodge:: Not me! NO WAY! I ain't tellin her! she hurt me if I do!

In walks Princess Pepper... carrying a sock to her hidey hole....

::PP:: What you all talkin bout ?

::Kuri: Ummm nothin... 

::Dodge: U tell her Kuri

:: PP:: Tell me what?
::Kuri:: Fine... Me heard momma talkin to daddy about you retiring
from SOS

;;;;; cring;;;;;;;

:: PP:: HAHAHAHHA Me alreadyz knowz dhat sillyz! Me tolded people too!
::Dodge::: U did? Ohh... me thoughtz u would get mad?

::PP:: A Princess never getz mad... she'd getz even. :-) me gotz
everything planned. Me gonna throw a bash! Yep thats right! Me doing
two thingz that mean a lotz to me and me gonna have some fun with it
all too! Wanna know what it is?

;;;;jumping up and down;;;;

::: Dodge and Kuri:: Yes yes.....

:::PP::: Wellllll Me iz gonna help Auntie Kat raffle off something REAL
Special in honor of someone REAL special to us.... but me not telling
EVERYONE what it is just yet... maybe you all can guess...????

;;;; Princess Pepper grins as she moves her sock into place;;;;;;;

::PP:: The other thing me iz doing iz me is holdin a Princess Pepper
Farewell Ferret Fun Card Exchange! Yep! People can send cards and so
can da Ferrets! It's gonna be for EVERYONE. All da money dhats raised
goes to SOS so dhat dhey can keep helpin shelter folks like my momma
and so many other mommy and daddys out dhere.

::Kuri:: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can I join? Me wants to send cards out. I a
good speller! How do I signe up?

;;;; Princess Pepper laying down for a moment to rest her neck from her
surgery last week;;;;;

::PP: Well ... I thoughtz everyone new by now! u gotz ta go ta
U have untilz September 20th ta sign up.

::Dodge:: Ok ok...but who's taking over for you for your Royal Duties?

;;;Dodge backs up some so that Princess Pepper has room to stretch out
and relax;;;;

::PP:: Daddy was talking about me working with Bella Bear but me still
no like her. She such a brat! Always cuddling and playing and giving
kissys to everyone. And she is NOT getting MYz crown!

;;;;;from the distance you hear Bella Bears young voice shouting;;;;;;;

::BB: I hear ya over there! You old folks just don't have anything
better to do with your time than to talk about us young kits do ya?
Come on... get with it and get out there! Geeze... Seniors!

;;;;;;Dodge and Kuri get ready to pounce;;;;;

::PP:: Don't ya do it... daddy will hearz ya and u know how spoiled
she iz! Anywayz... me gotta work with her in me nextz post so be nice!
Oh ... were we ritin a leter to da FML pepoles? Cauzes dhey need ta
know about da card exchange thingie too!

::Kuri:: It's ok Princess... you took care of it already... you go rest
now... we make sure they know.

:: PP::: ok... mez no arguez... Hugz & Luvz Princess Pepper....
nite nite

::Dodge:: she ok Kuri? ::Kuri:: Yeah she be fine... she just tired from
moving babies all day. Shez fine. Momma sayz that she gonna live to be
13 years old! We just gotta make sure hoomans and fuzzies sign up for
her Farewell Card Exchange or she gonna be upset. She loves getting
cards from everyone and she loves helping SOS. I know she's upset about
retiring but she not gonna show it. But she be ok... Bellas a cool
girl... I guess.

::Dodge:: Well I could sit on everyone... I weigh 4 pounds! Me good at
helping everyone do things! ::Kuri:: No Dodger... We have to be nice to
everyone... We are helpin our Royalness

:::Dodge::: Ok ok... howz this... COME AND SIGN UP FOR FAIRWELL CARD

::Kuri:: Well done Sir Dodge :-) hee hee... Princess Pepper would be
soo proud!

;;;Dodge Blushing;;; ahh shucks wasn't nothin'

::Kuri::: Ok folks... I think we've takin enough time and space... and
we needs to go check on the Princess and move her babies... oh it keeps
her busy! hee hee ;;;evil grin;;;;

Take care!

Kuri and Dodge for Princess Pepper and SOS

[Posted in FML 5715]