One of my newly adopted fuzzies - an adorable panda
( http://www.ferretocious com/misc/082407-1.jpg ) has really greasy fur
and his skin has an orange-ish tinge. I gave him a bath when I first
got him and the water actually turned yellowish - eww! Also noticed
he doesn't have ear tats OR toe tats. I'm wondering if maybe he came
from Canada (since we're close by)? All the person who surrendered
him to the shelter said was he was "from a pet store" He's actually so
slippery that I dropped him the other night while trying to clean his
ears. Thankfully right over my bed!
I know that bathing him more won't help - it'll just make him more
greasy, right? What can I do to help tone down his greasiness? Could
it be due to a bad diet? Not sure what he was fed before but now he's
eating what my guys eat - a mix of Innova Evo and Totally Ferret.

I ended up deciding on calling him "Pandamonium" (pandemonium pretty
much describes having seven ferrets again and he can be Pandy for
short). The naughty sable I've named "Treble" (since he's a lot of
trouble and I'm a musician.) The third I kept "Jack" since he's a few
years old though I may still change it...

Laura and The Seattle Seven at

[Posted in FML 5715]