Why, hello there, fellow fert loverssss.

I'm still having a hard time with Brutus and Skittle getting along.
And it's killing me. I'm not really sure what to do. This might take
some time to read, but it'd be nice for a little feedback.

It all started in the beginning of this month. My stepsister sold me
her ferret, and she was veryyyy neglected. Of course I took her in
and gave her all of the love that she deserved. [I'm still loving her
the same.] She is now left out to play for hours a day. She now gets
treats. She's just in a better place. I had two ferrets when I got
Skittle. Kiti [my first ferret. 2.5 years old] and Brutus [second
ferret. almost 2 years old. Skittle's a little over 1]. I got Skittle
on the 3rd of 4th of August. Kiti was ill at the time and had to go
for surgery on the 6th. She came home and she was doing alright. On
the 7th, she died...between 230 and 3 pm. ::sigh:: This was VERY
devastating for me. Especially since Kiti was my first ferret. Brutus
had a very hard time with Kiti's death, too. They were cagemates and
all. And Skittle didn't really know Kiti, so it didn't effect her. But
Skittle and Brutus are still not getting along and it's almost been a
month. I don't understand, because Kiti and Brutus got along in about
a week. I'M NOT SURE, but I think that Brutus is holding something
against Skittle for Kiti's passing. Simply because Skittle was here for
a couple days, then Kiti died. I'm not sure if that IS the reason. I'm
not even sure if it's CLOSE. I doubt it, but it's still in the back of
my mind. I just don't understand why it's taking them SO long to get
along. Kiti was a female, and Brutus and Skitzo are, too. [Long story
with Brutus. Don't ask about it. It's not important. haha]

Does anyone think if I brought a male adult ferret into the house, it
would change anything? I want another ferret anyways, and I'd like to
get one from the Hide-e-Hole rescue in Pittsburgh, PA. But I wanted
everyone's opinion, would a male ferret help at all?

Thanks sooo much.
FrediSTARR and the fuzziessss.

[Posted in FML 5714]