Hello everyone... this is Princess Peppers mommy, Joanne. She's going
to be on in just a minute but I wanted to tell you that she is such a
brave little girl! She went to the vet Wednesday because she had a lump
on her neck. The vet felt it and wanted to do surgery right away to
remove it. He didn't think it was anything horrible but didn't want to
wait either. So on Thursday she went in for surgery. She did great. She
has a 2 inch incission in her neck and is shaved all around it. They
removed several small hard cysts - that when they broke them open were
filled with a liquid. He said it wasn't cancerous so she would recover
just fine.

She was a little drugged but later that evening was up and walking
around with her buddies and protectors, Kuri and Dodge. Of course she
wouldn't eat soup out of the big bowl... she had to be fed from a
"special bowl" while I held her. Yes, she will milk this for all its
worth! But hay... 6 years old... she's allowed to.

Ok... Princess Pepper would like to talk to you all for a bit. Keep in
mind she's still a little loopty - though not sure if thats from the
surgery or not! LOL

::::::: Hi eberyone! Me'z fine... really I iz! Mommy just worries too
much. make me go in and have dhem things removed! GEEZZE They weren't
bothering me... she was bothering me! Me no like the vets even though
they nice to me... me still no like. Plus it made momma cry to drop me
off. She told me that everything would be ok but tolded me about da
Rainbow Bridge just in case. I wanted ta go cause she said Queen Spice
was there... but she said I couldn't go yet. Me still have long time
left with her... me didn't want to make her cry so me did me best and
me stayed.

Me have some news. My younger sister Bella (Bella Bear) iz gonna be
helping me..... no... me still no like her... she's such a brat! She
thinks she knows it all and she gets into everything but momma thinks
itz cute cuz she's a water baby.... not my fault I don't like water...
I mean come on... what REAL ferret likes water? Huh?

Anyways... momma said she gonna help me out while I'z recovering. She
thinks she's hot stuff... even got a myspace account:
[Moderator's note: Private profile. BIG]
Gee... like she'z HIP or something! I could have one too... but me no
have time for that with all my Princess Duties! Oh... but she did put
pictures of me on dhere so you can see my booboo.

Momma been talking about me "retirin'". I not sure what she means...
but she says I would have more free time and could relax more. Me
tolded her that me wants to help Auntie Kat with one last rafflie and
me wants to do one last Ferret Card Exchange. Me found this really
wonderful prize to rafflie off... and Auntie Kat said I could... and
so did Momma. Me tell u about it later.. me see a sockie that needs a

Hugz & Luvz Princess Pepper (did you getz ur rafflie tickets yet?
http://www.supportourshelters.org/SOS-raffle.html )

[Posted in FML 5710]