>Well, I say you can. People go to dog and cat breeders with the
>expectation of long health, and responsible breeders provide proof
>of that long health through testing and genetic backgrounds. There's
>no reason why ferret fans shouldn't expect this, either. If a ferret
>breeder is aware that his/her line demonstrates serious health


I do not want to get into a pissing contest here but, if a ferret
breeder has a track record for raising frets with health issues then
that is one thing BUT it is common for ferrets to get cancer. It is a
fact of life and it sucks but it is still facts of life. You can moan
and groan about it like I do every time I loose one of the babies BUT
in the end YOU have to decide if it was worth the time and money you
put out to have a Ferret or not. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE IN LIFE. It
sucks for sure but it is a reality when it come to ferrets. I know
as I have been doing this now for over 12 years. If a Breeder gives a
guarantee that a ferret they produce will not get cancer for a certain
number of years then go with them BUT there will be no such thing as no
body can predict an out come with so many variables. Ferrets are prone
to cancers just because of their body structures. Yes I would love to
see someone breed a perfect ferret. They'd have folks lined up for
miles to get such an animal BUT it cannot be done at this time. I
wished it was otherwise but to expect that someone can breed such an
animal is denial in itself. Life sucks at times... better get used to
it. I surely have but it took me almost 60 years of bitching about it
as well... Oh and no I don't breed Ferrets... for just the reason I
have listed here.

Fred Hurd
Reno Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5707]