
You said your ferret was diagnosed with Kidney problems and dilated
cardiomyopathy? These are usually genetic defects.It shouldn't make a
difference if the ferret was deamed healthy at the time of purchase as
sometimes health problems like these don't show up till between 2-3
years of age. Genetic defects can and are sometimes missed by a vet
when a ferret is very young. Vets are only human and we ALL make
mistakes and miss things.

Did you notify this reputable ferret breeder about this? If not, you
should. This is why a buyer and seller of privately bred ferrets should
keep in comtact with each other the entire life of the ferret. This
way, the breeder can document any health problems that arrise in their
lines and if it occures more than a couple of times, the parrents
should be altered.

Also, I dissagree with your statement on not revieling the name of the
breeder. If there are definate problems with this breeders lines and
the breeder is not owning up to it, the public has a right to know
about it.


[Posted in FML 5706]